Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Science and Technology

                                     Space Exploration

  • Over the  past three centuries,man has learned mare about him self and the planet on which he lives than at any other period in the last 20 years he has b gun to understand the Universe, of which ohr planet, Earth , forms a thiny part. 

                                              Our galaxy

  • You can form an idea of the insignificance of our planet by going outside on a clear night and looking up into the sky.
  • When your eyes become adjusted to the darkness, you will be able to see vast numbers of stars. Even  with the naked eye it is possible to see several  thousand stars in the galaxy which include our own solar system, and with the aid of big astronomical telescope this increase to 50 million.
  • The sun, which gives our planet its light and warmth, is our nearest star, and many of thiny pinpoints of        light you can see in the night sky are other solar system, similar to our own, with groups of planets circling round them.
  • No one really knows how many stars there are in the Universe,but astronomers calculate the there must be about 100,000 million of them in our own galaxy.