Friday, November 30, 2012

Let us identify stars and planets

  •        Moon,stars and planets are some of the space of the space objects seen in the night sky. It is important to identify the planets from stars when observing  the sky.Although stars and planets are seen as equal to the naked eye there are differences.


  • Luminous objects(emits light by itself)                 
  • It  is seen that distance between the  stars constant.(when stars are seen to travel their distance seem to be unchanged.)
  • Displayed a glittering nature.(Flickering effect)


  • Non luminous objects(We see these as bright because sun's rays fall upon them and are reflected towards us.)
  •  It is observed that the distance between  a star and a planet various.
  • Uniform glow is seen

                Planets Visible To Us 

        Planet Venus

  • Venus planet seen during one part of the year before sunrise in the eastern sky and during the other part of the year in the western sky and  during the other part of the year in the western sky before sunrise it is called the "Morning star".When it is seen during the other part of the year after sunset it is called the "Evening star'.

 Planet Saturn


  • Although less luminous sat urn has a colourful  and beautiful ribbon like set of rings surrounding it. Therefore it is the most picturesque of the solar system. If we can put Saturn into a huge water bath it will float. This is because the density of Saturn is less than of that water.

 Planet Mars

  •  The  planet Mars looks reddish, hence it is called "red-planet".The soil in this planet is always subjected to typhoons. Soil contains iron compounds and they get deposited on the planet's surface which cause the reflected light to appear red. Mars has its own atmosphere with clouds.According to the latest finding apart from earth the planet having water is mars.

Planet Jupiter

  • Jupiter is eleven times the size of the earth and the largest of the solar system . It rotates on its and the largest of the solar system .It rotates on its own axis once every 10 hours and it revolves around Sun once in every 12 years . Four largest satellites of Jupiter  are;Jo,Callisto,Ganymede,Uropa.

Infection diseases

                                        Infectious diseases      

  • Diseases affect our body health and a great challenge to our daily life.   From your childhood you gain knowledge about diseases to overcome the challenges
                     How diseases are transmitted

Methods of transmission

  • Air 
  • Water 
  • Contact
  • Blood
  • Vectors
  • Foods                                            

Wonder of the body

                                        The Digestive system

    •   Digestive system consists of an alimentary canal and several subsidiary glands and organs.
    • Alimentary canal consists of the mouth ,oesophagus,stomach,duodenum,small intestines,large intestine,rectum and anus
    • Salivary gland,liver, pancreas,gall bladder are main subsidiary organs that helps in the digestion.

Micro Organismsms


  • Unicellular organism 
  • There are about 40,000 aquatic species
  • They normally move and feed on other micro organisms. 


  • Simple non-green plant which are not photosynthetic.
  • Has a heterotrophytic nutrition. ie.parasitic or saprophytic
  • Display a symbiotic relationship with algae of lichens
  • Some fungi may exist as mushrooms and virus moulds..
  • These have a multicellular filamentous structure called mycelium.


Earth quake waves

                                      Earth quake waves   

  •     Sliding of tectonic plats that occur naturally in interior of the earth cause earthquakes.Earthquakes are caused by the sudden release of built up stress along faults or cracks in the earth  
  •     When the plates of the sea bed (tectonic plates)come into contact with each     other.a sudden release of energy comes up as earth quakes 

  • The shocks waves from this sudden movement comes to the surface as an earth quake
                                                     The place where an earthquake is formed is called the epicenter